The source of our greatest courage is always those who we want to protect the most.
The source of our greatest courage is always those who we want to protect the most.
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非常台北 『2015最新海外作品發表』 http://goo.gl/sBahSK
洽詢婚紗包套: http://goo.gl/bq5ksa
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藝術團隊: http://goo.gl/AjbAEU
評價分享: http://goo.gl/7sVgfq
非常台北 『2015最新海外作品發表』 http://goo.gl/sBahSK
洽詢婚紗包套: http://goo.gl/bq5ksa
各分店資訊: http://goo.gl/NryKwP
藝術團隊: http://goo.gl/AjbAEU
評價分享: http://goo.gl/7sVgfq
Very Taipei Wedding World
158, Chung-Shan N. Rd. Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-25851666 FAX: +886-2-25851669
T.W Customer Service:0800-066855
E-mail: info@verytaipei.com Skype:tpe-verytaipei
MON-SUN/ PM12:30-PM9:30 (週三 公休)
Very Taipei Wedding World
158, Chung-Shan N. Rd. Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-25851666 FAX: +886-2-25851669
T.W Customer Service:0800-066855
E-mail: info@verytaipei.com Skype:tpe-verytaipei
MON-SUN/ PM12:30-PM9:30 (週三 公休)
Very Taipei Bridal Photography Sdn Bhd ( 867784-P)
No.4 Jalan SS2/75, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia
TEL: +603-78765168 FAX: +603-78775168
E-mail: kul@verytaipei.com Skype:Kul-verytaipei
MON-SAT/ AM10:00-PM8:00 SUN/ AM10:00-PM6:00 (週三 公休)
Very Taipei Bridal Photography Sdn Bhd ( 867784-P)
No.4 Jalan SS2/75, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia
TEL: +603-78765168 FAX: +603-78775168
E-mail: kul@verytaipei.com Skype:Kul-verytaipei
MON-SAT/ AM10:00-PM8:00 SUN/ AM10:00-PM6:00 (週三 公休)
Very Taipei Wedding Sdn. Bhd.(898908-H)
Lot 1231, No.577, Jalan Wan Alwi Bin Tuanku Ibrahim, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
TEL: +6082-363585 FAX: +6082-363626
E-mail: kch@verytaipei.com Skype:Kch-verytaipei
MON-SAT/ AM10:00-PM8:00 SUN/ AM10:00-PM6:00 (週三 公休)
Very Taipei Wedding Sdn. Bhd.(898908-H)
Lot 1231, No.577, Jalan Wan Alwi Bin Tuanku Ibrahim, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
TEL: +6082-363585 FAX: +6082-363626
E-mail: kch@verytaipei.com Skype:Kch-verytaipei
MON-SAT/ AM10:00-PM8:00 SUN/ AM10:00-PM6:00 (週三 公休)